Dr. K. D. PatelMiss Priyanka I. Patel2018-08-072018-08-072018-06http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810063586The present investigation entitled “Organic fertilizer management in bitter gourd (Momardica charantia l.) cv. Preethi”, was conducted during summer 2017 at Fruit Research Station, Madhdi Baug, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. The present experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications consist of twelve treatments i.e. Control without any treatment (T1), RDF - 60: 60: 60 NPK kg/ha (T2), FYM @ 10 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha (T3), FYM @ 10 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha (T4), FYM @ 10 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T5), Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha (T6), Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha (T7), Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T8), Castor cake @ 2.5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha (T9), Castor cake @ 2.5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha (T10), Castor cake @ 2.5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T11) and FYM @ 5 t/ha + Vermicompost @ 1.25 t/ha + Castor cake @ 0.5 t/ha (T12). The experimental results revealed that among the different treatments, Vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha gave significantly maximum main vine length (286.87 cm), length of internodes (8.03 cm), number of branches per plant (9.72), number of nodes on main vine (67.86), number of fruits per plant (17.67), average fruit weight (85.66 g), fruit length (16.52 cm), fruit diameter (12.65 cm), fruit yield per plant (3.09 kg), fruit yield per plot (20.67 kg), fresh fruit yield (17.21 t/ha), dry fruit yield (361 kg/ha) and dry biomass yield (1904 kg/ha). The quality parameters like TSS (5.51 0Brix) and ascorbic acid content (86.21 mg/100g) were also registered significantly higher with treatment of vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T8). The concentration of nutrients i. e. N (3.58 % , 1.78 %), P (0.75%, 0.37 %), K (3.25% , 3.86 %), S (0.47%, 0.17%), Fe (132.39 mg/kg, 75.06 mg/kg), Mn (20.32 mg/kg,31.09 mg/kg), Zn (38.57 mg/kg, 13.36 mg/kg) and Cu (18.52 mg/kg, 10.68 mg/kg) of fruit and biomass, respectively were recorded significantly higher with treatment vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T8). Uptake of nutrients i. e. N (12.92 kg/ha, 33.56 kg/ha), P (2.70 kg/ha, 7.04 kg/ha), K (11.73 kg/ha, 73.49 kg/ha), S (1.69 kg/ha, 3.23 kg/ha), Fe (47.77 g/ha, 142.91 g/ha), Mn (7.33 g/ha, 59.19 g/ha), Zn (13.92 g/ha, 25.43 g/ha) and Cu (6.68 g/ha, 20.33 g/ha) by fruit and biomass, respectively were found higher with treatment vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T8) as compared to remaining organic fertilizer treatments. Significantly higher value of available soil N (289.76 kg/ha), P (47.32 kg/ha), K (286.17 kg/ha), S (13.88 kg/ha), Fe (8.22 mg/kg), Mn (16.87 mg/kg), Zn (0.66 mg/kg) and Cu (1.40 mg/kg) at after the crop harvest were found higher with treatment vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T8). The highest gross returns per hectare (₹ 3,09,800), net returns per hectare (₹ 2,58,566) and highest BCR (5.05) was found on same treatment. On the basis of experimental result, it can be concluded that vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + Azatobacter @ 3 liter/ha + PSB @ 3 liter/ha + KSB @ 3 liter/ha (T8) was found most effective for improving growth, yield and yield attributes, quality, content and uptake of nutrients as well as maintaining fertility status of soil.enHORTICULTUREORGANIC FERTILIZER MANAGEMENT IN BITTER GOURD (Momordica charantia L.) CV. PREETHIThesis