DR. P. R. KANANIKHODIFAD PARASHOTAMBHAI BHIMABHAI2017-06-142017-06-142011-11http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810020263Groundnut is principal crop of the Saurashtra region of Gujarat State. It is grown so extensively since 1910. Although, enormous advances in science and technology of groundnut crop production, but because of indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals as fertilizers and pesticides, exploitation of natural resources, productivity and profitability of groundnut crop decreased considerably and as a result, area under groundnut crop is reduced considerably during the last decade. Keeping this in view, it was felt worthwhile to study “sustainability of groundnut based cropping system in South Saurashtra zone of Gujarat state”. The specific objectives of the study were : (i) to study selected characteristics of groundnut growers of the South Saurashtra zone of Gujarat State (ii) to identify the significant indicators for sustainable groundnut based cropping system in South Saurashtra zone of Gujarat State, (iii) to determine the threshold score of identified indicators, (iv) to measure sustainability of groundnut based cropping system in South Saurashtra Zone of Gujarat State, (v) to trace relationship, if any, between sustainability of groundnut based cropping system and selected characteristics of the farmers, (vi) to identify the constraints faced by the farmers in adoption of sustainable groundnut production practices and (vii) to seek suggestions for increasing sustainability in groundnut based cropping system in the South Saurashtra zone of Gujarat State. The present study was undertaken in South Saurashtra Zone of Gujarat state. A sample of 160 groundnut growers, in equal proportion, from eight villages, one from each agro-ecological situation in which groundnut is grown, was drawn by using multistage random sampling technique. The study was conducted under ex-post-facto (cause to effect) research design. To measure the sustainability of the groundnut based cropping system, standardized sustainability scale was developed. The sustainability scale was developed by inclusion of significant major and sub indicators. Indicators were identified by seeking the opinion of experts and groundnut growers. By the same way, weightage and threshold score of each identified indicators were determined. Scale values of each sub-indictor were determined on 5 point continuum from 0 to 4 for not sustainable to most sustainable, respectively. The scale, thus, developed was tested for validity (Content validity and criterion validity) and reliability (test retest method). Among fifteen selected characteristics of the groundnut growers, age was measured by number of years completed by them whereas education was measured by formal education received by them. Social participation, opinion leadership, self confidence, self responsibility, management orientation, overall modernity, scientific orientation, achievement motivation, innovativeness, risk orientation, and market orientation were measured by scale developed by Trivedi (1963), Rogers (1962), Basavanna (1974), Theodore (1999), Samantha (1977), Mehta et. al. (1974), Supe (1969), Vishweshwaran (1979), Sing (1977), Supe (1969) and Samantha (1977), respectively. Groundnut growers’ market intelligence and attitude toward modern farming were measured with the help of structured schedules. The data were collected by personal interview of the groundnut growers with the help of structured interview schedule. The collected data were processed, coded, tabulated and analyzed in the light of the objectives of the study by employing appropriate statistical methods. Majority of the groundnut growers were in the group of medium social participation (70.00 per cent), medium scientific orientation (70.00 per cent), moderate risk taker (73.75 per cent), medium market orientation (68.75 per cent), medium management orientation (66.88 per cent) and in the group of fairly market intelligence (73.75 per cent). About two third, groundnut growers were moderately motivated due to achievement which they made (66.88 per cent) and were moderately self responsible (69.37 per cent). Approximately three fifth of groundnut growers were from meddle age (61.88 per cent), played medium opinion leadership role (59.38 per cent), had medium self confidence (60.63 per cent), were willing for reasonable modernization (58.12 per cent) and hold moderately favourable attitude towards the modern farming (58.12 per cent). Nearly half of them were educated up to secondary level (52.50 per cent). In concern with innovativeness, 28.75 per cent of the respondents were from early majority group. Out of initially selected 25 major indicators and 224 sub indicators, 21 major indicators and 147 sub indicators, respectively, were found significant for the measurement of sustainability of groundnut based cropping system. The threshold score of major indicators viz; soil and water conservation (14.70 score), farming system (14.50 score), marketing and market facilities (14.10 score), finance management (13.80 score), labour management (13.50 score), farm mechanization (13.80 score), organizational support (13.70 score) were found very close to the central value of that particular indicator. Majority of the groundnut growers managed their groundnut based cropping system at sustainable level (40.00 per cent) to more sustainable level (31.25 per cent). Overall sustainability of groundnut based cropping system was 28.99 per cent. Major indicators such as weed control, tillage practices, farm mechanization, labour management, and soil fertility management, finance management and marketing and market facilities had higher sustainability, whereas extension participation and communication had least sustainability. Groundnut growers’ characteristics such as education level, opinion leadership, market intelligence, self confidence, innovativeness, self responsibility, management orientation, scientific orientation, overall modernity, attitude toward modern farming and achievement motivation of the groundnut growers were positively correlated with sustainability of groundnut based cropping system. From among 15 selected characteristics of groundnut growers, six variables were contributed significantly to sustainability of groundnut based cropping system and all these together explained 70.56 per cent variation. Scientific orientation had greatest influence by 49.22 per cent. Increase in pest and disease problem, lack of access to extension worker, non availability of package of sustainable groundnut production technology, poor knowledge about sustainable farming practices, misconception about sustainability, shortage of organic manures/FYM, and shortage of laborers were the important constraints in adoption of sustainable groundnut production practices. Most important suggestions offered by majority of the groundnut growers were : Increase use of organic manure, adoption of water conservation practices, awareness programme for sustainable farming should be organized, existing extension system should be made stronger, Bt variety of groundnut should be developed, adoption of integrated pest and disease management practices and judicious use of agrochemicals should be ensured.enextention educationSUSTAINABILITY OF GROUNDNUT BASED CROPPING SYSTEM OF SOUTH SAURASHTRA ZONE OF GUJARAT STATEThesis