Selvakumar, KNSankaran, VMVennila, C, et al.,TANUVAS2021-08-112021-08-112014 is conversion of inputs into outputs by application of production process. Inputs are the resources used for economic activity that are available scarce. Hence resources should be used optimally in any production activity. Livestock production activity is not an exception to this. Livestock in today’s context has been evolving differently in its production approaches. In poultry industry, lot of changes or technological improvements had already taken place in its production, value addition and marketing. These standardized practices helped the producers, to do the production with the optimum cost or least cost and make it available to the consumers through an efficient supply chain.EnglishVeterinary ScienceECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF FEED AND FODDER IN DAIRY PRODUCTIONFodder Cultivation TechnologiesBook chapter