NAGARAJU, K.PRATHEEKA REDDY, G.2020-10-052020-10-052019-03-26Th-12263 are the microorganisms that live on the surface of plants without causing harmful effects to the plants rather helping them in plant growth promotion by producing phytohormones and in disease prevention by adopting various biocontrol machanisms. Thus, endophytes play an important role and supplement different stages of plant’s life. In the present study, bacterial endophytes were studied for diversity in growth and biocontrol activities. Out of fifteen isolates, six isolates have nitrogen fixing ability, seven isolates were positive for phosphorous solubilization, nine isolates produced gibberellins, all isolates produced auxins and nine isolates produced cytokinins. Six isolates have shown siderophore production. The promising isolates having maximum functions of promoting plant growth and development like nitrogen fixation (six isolates), phosphate solubilization (nine isolates), IAA production (all isolates), gibberellin production (nine isolates), cytokinin production (nine isolates), and siderophore production (six isolates) were carried on for further study. The bacterial endophytes were further tested for bio control potential and eight isolates were found to be antagonistic to some soil borne pathogens namely, Rizoctonia solani, Pythium aphanidermatum and Sclerotium rolfsii suppressed diseases in sweet corn grown in seedling trays under glass house conditions. Three promising isolates (SCRI4, SCLI2 and SCSI3) were chosen for greenhouse study to know the effect of the endophytic bacteria on the growth and yield of sweet corn. Treatments receiving 100 percent NPK and consortia of bacterial endophytes significantly recorded better growth and yield parameters compared to treatment receiving 75 percent NPK and consortia of bacterial endophytes and treatment receiving only 100 percent NPK and both the treatments were on par with each other. February,EnglishISOLATION AND SCREENING OF ENDOPHYTIC BACTERIA ASSOCIATED WITH SWEET CORN (Zea Mays L. var. Saccharata sturt)Thesis