Abraham SebastianSujatha, V SNybe, E VSreekandan Nair, GAugustine, AKAU2019-01-282019-01-281996Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 34(2), 85-92.http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810092733Eleven species of Piper including Piper rugrum were studied for variations in isoenzymes of three enzymes viz., peroxidase, esterase and glutaraate oxaloacetate transaminase. On grouping based on isoenzyme similarity, P. nigrum Linn.. P. pseudonigrum Velayudhan and Amalraj, P. bababudani Rahirnan and P. galeatum DC formed one group while P. argyrophyllum Miq. and P. attenuatum Buch-Hara constituted the second group and P. chaha Hunter, P. hapnium Miq. and P. colubrinum Link emerged as the third group. P. betle Linn, and P. longum Linn, showed their distinctness from the rest of the species. Least similarity was observed between P. colubrinum on one side and P. pseudonigrum and P. bahabudani on the other side.ennullIsoenzyme variation and species relationship in genus piperArticle