Ramesh, VTANUVAS2020-10-052020-10-052020-02https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810152406TNV_TM_17-26-Feb-2020_156-161In lndia agricultural crop production and livestock farming are integrated activities as both are interdependent and affect each other as well as get affected by the climate. Climate is an important factor of agricultural production. Therefore, climate change is expected to affect agricultural and livestock production, hydrological balances, input supplies and other components of agricultural system. However, the livestock sector is highly vulnerable to climatic variations and change.EnglishVeterinary ScienceLivestock Production ManagementIMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN EPIDEMIOLOGY OF INFECTIOUS DISEASESICAR SHORT COURSE ON Advanced Clinical Epidemiology in Disease diagnosis and vaccination for sustainability of Livestock and Poultry HealthArticle