Tailor, S. P.Arya, V. K.2017-06-122017-06-122010Arya and Tailor, 2010http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810019375Effect of Climatic Factors on Productive Performance of Gir and Crossbred CowsThe data maintained at Livestock Farm, Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur over a period of 10 years (January 1995 to December 2004) of Gir purebred and crossbred cows were utilized for the present study. The means for DBTI, WBTI, DBTII, WBTII, MAXT, MINT, MAXH, MINH, SSH, RF, THIM, THIE and THIS were 18.11±0.137°C, 15.37±0.120°C, 30.18±0.084°C, 19.59±0.071°C 31.14±0.083°C, 16.45±0.121°C, 70.89±0.317%, 37.33±0.3175, 8.19±0.050 hrs, 1.40±0.108mm, 65.21±0.182, 76.44±0.096 and 1640.95±3.685 respectively. The coefficients of variation was maximum for rainfall and minimum for THIE among all the meteorological parameters. All the meteorological parameters were significantly affected by solar years and solar and lunar months while lunar phases had significant effect on WBTI, MINT and SSH (P < 0.01) and RF (P < 0.05). Positive and significant association was observed among dry and wet bulb readings and with maximum and minimum temperature. Similarly, all the THI's were also positively and highly significantly associated among them. All the meteorological parameters were negative and significant correlated with TMY during early stage of lactation in Gir cows. The negative and significant association of TMY with MAXT, MAXH and THIE during mid and MAXH, MINH and THIE during late stage of lactation was observed in Gir cows. All the meteorological variables were negative and significant associated with TMY during early and late stages of lactation in crossbred cows. The milk yield during mid stage of lactation was negatively and significantly associated with both the humidities. The average TMY of day was maximum during early stage of lactation followed by mid and late stage of lactation in both the genetic groups. The coefficient of variation was almost same during early and mid stages of lactation while higher during late stage of lactation in Gir purebreds. The overall milk production of a day was higher in crossbreds than Gir cows. Similarly, the CV was also higher during late stage of lactation as compared to early and mid stage of lactation. All the milk production components as well as herd characteristic were significantly affected by solar years, solar months and lunar months while the effect of lunar phase was non-significant on above traits. The climographs revealed that maximum temperature from 20-25°C and minimum temperature from 15-20°C was optimum for higher milk production in Gir purebred and crossbred cows during all the three stages of lactation. Maximum and minimum humidity from 50-70% during early stage and less than 50% maximum and minimum humidity during mid and late stage of lactation was optimum for higher milk production in Gir purebreds. Less than 50% humidity both maximum and minimum was optimum for higher milk production in crossbred cows during all the three sages of lactation. THIE less than 70 was optimum for higher milk production during all the three stages of lactation in Gir purebred and crossbred cows. The overall averages of TMY, MY 305, peak yield, MY/LL, MY.CI, LL, DAPY, DP, SP and CI was 2369.50±62.01 kg, 2080.82±46.12 kg, 12.53±0.26 kg, 6.46±0.13 kg, 5.11±0.14 kg, 367.96±6.53 days, 29.94±0.55 days, 114.78±5.40 days, 201.99±8.09 days and 480.78±8.16 days respectively. The CV was maximum for dry period at 68.14% while minimum for calving interval at 24.59%. The TMY, MY 305, PY, MY/CI, LL and DP were significantly affected by genetic group. Parity had significant effect on LL, SP and CI and season of calving affects only peak yield. Effect of genetic group x parity was found non-significant on all the production and reproduction traits. Genotype x season of calving interaction was found to be significant on the DP, SP and CI and genetic group x period of calving interaction was found to be significant only on DP. The production in terms of TMY, MY 305, PY, MY/CI was significantly lower in Gir cows as compared to crossbreds. The performance was significantly higher in crossbred having less than 62.5% exotic blood than crossbred having more than 62.5% exotic blood. The reproductive performance in terms of DP, SP and CI followed reserve trend i.e., crossbred having less than 62.5% exotic blood was significantly shorter DP, SP and CI than Gir purebreds and crossbreds having more than 62.5% exotic blood. Further, the differences between the two genetic groups were also significant.enEFFECT OF CLIMATIC FACTORS ON PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE OF GIR AND CROSSBRED COWSThesis