S.K. ChaudharyGondra Mardi2024-07-022024-07-021997https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211305Three grasses Eleusine indica,Bothriochloa sp and paspalum sp have been recorded as alternative host of rice gall modge. Highest infestation was observed on Eleusine indica in second week of july. Seasonal occurance of Orseolia oryzea W.M. on Kharif rice showed that pest infestation started in second week of August and continued upto last week of October ,the peak activity was observed in last week of September. Parasite activity of the Platyqaster oryzae was started in the last week of august,at the minimum host infestation of 2.0per cent.The peak activity occurred during second week of October consequently heavy (42)% mortality of gall midge due to this natural enemy was observed during this month. Field of management of gall midge by insecticides were evaluated in direct sowm and transplanted kharif rice.In case direct sown rice lowest gall midge attact was recorded in the plot treated with phorate 10 G, followed by carbofuran 3G and Chlorpyriphos 40 EC . Highest yield was also recorded from the plots treated with phorate 10G and carbofuran 3 G. As far as transplanted rice is concerned the lowest incidence of rice gall midge was observed in the plots treated with carbofuran 3G (3032.5kg/ha) followed by chlorpyriphos 40EC(2910.0 Kg/ha ) and phorate 10G (2832.5Kg/ha). The cost benefit ratio showed that phorate 10G wa most economical in case of direct sown rice and chlorpyriphos in case of transplanted rice.EnglishOccurrence And Management of Rice Gall MidgeThesis