Dr. J. S. AryaMEHULKUMAR HAMIRBHAI DAHIMA2017-05-032017-05-032013http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810010484Assessment of physiological/biochemical norms for particular breed/species in particular region has great importance for base of clinical interpretation of certain indices. These indices vary depending upon the factors such as age, sex, weather, stress, season, physiological stage etc. of the animal. Thus, the physiological variations in the plasma indices serve valuable importance in judging the status of health, production and reproduction. Considering these facts, the study entitled “Trace Minerals and Biochemical Parameters in Gir Cattle and Jaffarabadi Buffaloes” was undertaken in different age groups and physiological stages in Gir cattle and Jaffarabadi Buffaloes with objectives to estimate the levels of (i) trace minerals viz. Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Chromium (ii) Vitamin A and β-carotene (iii) Chloride, Bicarbonate and Osmolality in plasma of both the species and (iv) to study the effect of age and physiological stages on these parameters in both the breeds and (v) to compare the species differences between Gir cattle and Jaffarabadi buffaloes for the above parameters. The blood sample were collected form Gir and Jaffarabadi females (n=8enAnimal PhysiologyStudyTRACE MINERALS AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN GIR CATTLE AND JAFFARABADI BUFFALOESThesis