Malik, D.P.Sonia2021-12-072021-12-072021-08 study was conducted in Karnal, Hisar and Jhajjar districts of zone-I, zone-II and zone-III of Haryana, respectively in 2020-2021. The objectives of study were to assess the progress of KCC in India with special reference to Haryana, to examine the utilization pattern of Kisan Credit Card, to identify the factors influencing the adoption of Kisan Credit Card and to pinpoint the constraints faced by beneficiary and non-beneficiary farmers. The study was based primary as well as secondary data. The secondary data namely number of KCCs issued and amount sanctioned under the scheme by different financial agencies were collected from various published and unpublished sources for the time period 1999-2019. Compound growth rate, mean value and coefficient variation were computed to assess the progress of KCC scheme. 60 beneficiary and 30 non-beneficiary farmers were selected randomly for collection of primary data. The results revealed that number of KCCs issued and amount sanctioned showed positive growth rates during time period 1999-2019. But the progress of KCC scheme was not found uniform in different regions of India. Commercial banks showed highest growth rate followed by RRBs and co-operative banks in terms of number of cards issued and amount sanctioned under the scheme. The number of KCCs issued and amount sanctioned exhibited periodically positive growth rate in the study period. Commercial banks and RRBs showed positive growth rate whereas co-operative banks showed negative annual growth rate in terms of KCCs issued and amount sanctioned. The progress of KCC scheme was uniform in different zones of Haryana. The variation was highest in commercial banks both in terms of cards issued and amount sanctioned in study period. Major share of total amount sanctioned under KCC scheme was utilized for purchase of machinery and creation of irrigation structure followed by crop production activities, dairy enterprise, high value crops and minimum for crop insurance. Logit model manifested that education level and size of owned area of farmer were positively influenced the adoption of KCC scheme and age of head of household and family type were the factors which negatively influenced the adoption of KCC scheme. Mean percent score analysis conveyed that lengthy paper work, cumbersome procedure, etc. were the some of major constraints reported by beneficiary farmers whereas, subdivision of land, fear of being defaulter, lack of motivation from officials, difficulty in opening bank account, etc. were some of the major constraints encountered by the non-beneficiary farmers.EnglishAssessment of Kisan Credit Card scheme in HaryanaThesis