Uppal, RajeshMehta, Manshi2020-01-242020-01-242019http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810141687The present investigation entitled “Carbon Sequestration in Toona based Agroforestry System of Kangra Valley of Himachal Pradesh” was undertaken during the year 2018-19 at different locations of Palampur. Phytosociological exercises were undertaken for determining the Importance value Index (IVI) along with the species diversity in the selected quadrates. It was found that the most frequently occurring species were Toona ciliata, Albizia chinensis and Melia azaderach with maximum IVI value of 130.2, 97.3 and 46.7 in the unmanaged system and 170.6, 131.5 and 60.4 in the managed system. All the tree components, tea bushes, shrubs and grasses were taken for biomass estimation and biomass was calculated by the non-destructive method. Bulk density was higher in managed system (1.06 g cm-2) and it was found that bulk density increased with the increase in the soil depth. Soil organic carbon was calculated higher under unmanaged system (2.43%) in comparison to managed system (1.89%). The total carbon stock i.e. (plant + soil) was higher in unmanaged system (100.02 t ha-1). It was concluded from the studies that carbon assimilation in the form of biomass is at its best when the agroforestry systems are kept managed, on the other hand the organic carbon in the soil assimilates well when the system is unmanaged.ennullCARBON SEQUESTRATION IN TOONA BASED AGROFORESTRY SYSTEM OF KANGRA VALLEY OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis