Dr.Arna DasPatel Disha H.2023-04-272023-04-272021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810196807The present experiment was undertaken in a set of 15 diverse genotypes of Brassica spp. and its wild relatives to procure information on variation in floral morphology, agro-morphological traits, reproductive biology, inter-relationship of the observed characters and also to assess genetic diversity through D2 analysis, as well as through molecular markers (SRAP). Ploidy level of all the genotypes was also determined through Flow cytometry. The genotypes under study were, viz., Brassica fruticulosa (Spain), Brassica fruticulosa (Japan), Brassica fruticulosa (India), Diplotaxis assurgens, Diplotaxis cretacia and Diplotaxis viminea, Pusa swarnim (Brassica carinata), Kiran (Brassica carinata), NPC 9 (Brassica carinata), GM 1 (Brassica juncea), GM 2 (Brassica juncea),GM 3 (Brassica juncea) and GDM 4 (Brassica juncea), Brassica tournifortii and Sangam (Brassica nigra).EnglishSTUDY OF FLORAL BIOLOGY, AGRO MORPHOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF BRASSICA spp. AND ITS WILD RELATIVESThesis