Jaitawat, V.S.Bera, Antima2024-04-272024-04-272022-09-06Bera, Antima 2022. Knowledge and Attitude of Farmers towards Soil Health Cards in Nagaur District of Rajasthan. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Agriculture, Agriculture University, Jodhpurhttps://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208435Soil and water are considered as the back bone of agriculture because soil health plays vital role to ensure sustainable agricultural production. The main causes of deterioration of soil fertility in most of the states in India are application of unbalanced fertilizer, inadequate organic matter, and lack of restoration of declining micro and secondary nutrients. This is the alarm of nature that the soil health should be tested regularly to ensure balanced nutrients application in the soil. As per previous researches the plant requires 17 nutrients for growth. SHC are advising farmers on the fertilizers and their quantities they should apply, and also the soil amendments to get optimum yields. Research study entitled “Knowledge and Attitude of Farmers towards Soil Health Cards in Nagaur District of Rajasthan” was undertaken to study the knowledge level of farmers towards soil health cards, to measure the attitude level of farmers towards soil health cards and relationship between selected independent variables and attitude of respondents towards soil health cards. The study also emphasized to identify the constraints faced by the soil health cards holders. The study was conducted in two villages of two block of Nagaur district with 120 respondents. The farmers were interviewed personally by a well-structured interview schedule. The data was coded, tabulated and analyzed by using suitable statistical tools. The profile of the farmers revealed that majority of the farmers were from middle age group, and had agriculture as main occupation. Most of them were educated middle school level of education, categorized under medium category of land holding, were from medium annual income category, medium level of mass media utilization, medium level of extension contacts and were associated with one organization as means of social participation. The study also revealed that majority of respondents possessed medium level of knowledge about soil health cards. Aspect wise maximum knowledge was about “general information about soil health card” and “information regarding soil sampling” while minimum knowledge was reported in “Advantages of soil health card” and “Information regarding nutrient status”. The results shows that majority of the farmers were found to have favourable attitude towards soil health cards. Farmer had most favourable attitude towards the statements like “I trust that SHC is useful scheme for farmers welfare” and “I believe that SHC provides information about deficient nutrients as well as excess nutrients” and less favourable attitude towards statements such as “I believe that SHC scheme is a blessing for the farmers” and “I believe that SHC scheme is not useful for illiterate farmers”. The education, occupation, size of land holding, income and social participation, mass media utilization, extension contact were found to be positive and significant and age was found to have negative significant association with the attitude level of farmers about soil health card. The constraints “Delay in distribution of SHC” and “Illiteracy of farmers about the SHC”, “Sometimes recommended quantity of fertilizers is not available in the market” were perceived as the most and least severe constraints, respectively.EnglishKnowledge and Attitude of Farmers towards Soil Health Cards in Nagaur District of RajasthanThesis