Jagannath OlekarBHARATH, K. Y.2023-01-162023-01-162022-12-12https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810192435ThesisThe present study on arecanut and its value added products was carried out in Tumkuru and Ramanagara districts of Karnataka during 2021-22. The study assessed the cost and returns and investment feasibility of arecanut and its value added products, marketing channels of value added products of arecanut and constraints in marketing of value added products of arecanut. Primary data was collected from 60 arecanut growing farmers and ten manufacturing units of the value added products. The results revealed that total cost of cultivation of arecanut was Rs. 2,83,333 per acre per annum which generated gross returns of Rs. 5,07,600 per acre and net returns realized was Rs. 2,24,267 per acre. The cultivation of arecanut was economically feasible with NPV of Rs. 7,21,432 per acre, BC ratio of 1.35 and IRR of 17 per cent. For the production of 9,80,216 numbers of areca leaf plate the expenditure was Rs. 16,68,746 which generated a gross returns of Rs. 21,88,328 and net returns of Rs. 5,19,582. The cost of production of kalipak was Rs. 42,364 per quintal which generated gross returns of Rs. 49,099 per quintal and net returns realized of Rs. 6,735 per quintal. The areca leaf manufacturing unit was economically feasible with NPV of Rs. 15,54,059, BC ratio of 1.24 and IRR of 49 per cent. Channel II was most efficient channel followed by channel I and channel III in marketing of kalipak. Channel I was most efficient channel followed by channel II and channel III in marketing of areca leaf plates. The long distance coverage to market was the major constraint in marketing of kalipak and competition from large manufacturers was the major constraint in marketing of areca leaf plates.EnglishAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS OF ARECANUT IN NONTRADITIONAL REGION OF KARNATAKAThesis