Dr. R. B. MadariyaJogia Zeel Vinodray2019-04-182019-04-182013-02http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810100734Pearlmillet (Pennisatum. glauccum [L.] R.Br.), commonly known as pearl, cat tail, spiked millet is a member of the poaeeae family and has a relatively small diploid genome (2n=2x=14) with a DNA content of lC=2.36pg (Martel et al, 1997). It is the staple food and fodder crop of millions of people living on the most marginal agricultural lands of sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent. The present investigation on "Biochemical and molecular analysis of CMS, maintaner and restorer lines in pearlmillet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.)" was planned with three main objectives, (1) To study molecular markers (ISSR and SSR) in different pearl millet CMS, maintaner and restorer lines. (2) To study the protein profiling of different pearl millet CMS, maintainer and restorer lines. (3) To study isoenzymatic patterns in different pearl millet CMS maintainer and restorer lines. Ten ISSR primers produced 31 allelcs with 95.5% polymorphism with an average of 2.8 alleles per primer. 100% polymorphism was m'>'T<RAcr observed with the ISSR primers viz., ISSR-1, ISSR-2, ISSR-3, ISSR-5, ISSR-6, ISSR-7, ISSR-8 and ISSR-9. The PIC varied from 0.387 (ISSR 3) to 0.929 (ISSR-5) with an average of 0.715 per primer. Genetic Similarity ranged from 36% to 93% with an average similarity of 55.5%. The phylogenetic tree constructed by UPGMA method generated two main clusters, cluster 1 consisted of four genotypes and 11 consisted of fourteen genotypes. Twelve SSR primers out of fifteen generated total 14 alleles out of which 11 allclcs were polymorphic with an average of 0.91 alleles per primers and average polymorphism of 75%. Highest (100%) polymorphism was observed with the SSR primers viz., lCMP-3027, lCMP-3039, lCMP-3063, lCMP-3081, ICMP-88, lCMP-3093, ICMP- 3050, PGIRD-43 and PGIRD-50. The PIC ranged from 0.000 to 0.452 with an average of 0.052 and genetic similarity varied from 28% to 100%. Eighteen genotypes were grouped into two main clusters and the groupings of genotypes were sub clustered. The pooled study of molecular marker through ISSR and SSR revealed a dendrogram consisted of two clusters, I and 11 with an average similarity of 54%. The similarity coefficient ranged from 34% to 89%. The highest (89%) similarity was between 95444-B and J-2290 while the lowest (34%) similarity was between 95222-A and J-2454. Cluster I consisted of sixteen genotypes while, cluster II contains two genotypes, 9522-A and J-2372. The present study indicated that the ISSR seems to be more effective than SSR as they gave higher percentage of polymorphic loci and greater range of genetic diversity among 18 pearlmillet genotypes Protein analysis was done at seedlings stage of 9 DAG The protein profile generated 9 bands with highest Rm value of 0 515 I80e„.ymes pallcrns for u» charaaerization „r P«.rlm,lle, genMypes, Thy is„enpy„,e analysis was carrlad oul at 9 msn:mc^ DAG. The maximum numbers of four bands were observed on Native- PAGE for esterase while, three bands, two bands and one band were visualized by peroxidase, o-amylase and catalase, respectively. Thus, DNA fingerprinting and genotype identification through molecular markers resulted in developing highly diversified dendrogram techniques are more precise than biochemical markers. The data revealed that molecular techniques are more precise and more accurate and can be used for genetic diversity analysis and developing highly diversified dendrogram of eighteen pearlmillet genotypes. The information gathered here would be helpful for genomic mapping studies and for the development of pearlmillet genotypes with wider and diverse genetic background to enhance crop productivity. IllenBIOTECHNOLOGYBIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF CMS, MAINTANER AND RESTORER LINES IN PEARLMILLET (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.) 1725Thesis