Perasiriyan VPreetha SSTANUVASSudha KMarx Nirmal R2023-10-192023-10-192021 prefer healthier, more natural products and ingredients that present unique functional properties. Moringa oleifera also known as “miracle tree” with enormous minerals and vitamins makes it a healthy superfood and is utilized as an ingredient in dietary supplements, nutraceuticals and functional foods. It acts as a potential functional food with nutritional, therapeutic, industrial, agricultural and socioeconomic value. This increase in demand for M.oleifera could make moringa cultivation a profitable business for growers. Owing to its enormous potentials, the use of M.oleifera as a food fortificant is on the rise. Scientific research has proven that almost all the parts of moringa, viz., leaves, flowers, seeds, pods, gums and bark afford exemplary nutritive and medicinal properties. To utilize a natural resource as an alternative to conventional supplements and to promote the use of the plant that is economical, easily and locally available as well as a potent nutrient and therapeutic properties native to our country source of food rather than use of supplements, a formulation containing different parts of M.oleifera was designed using Linear Programming model. Three different moringa parts chosen viz., leaves, pods and flowers were thermally processed and powdered. Moringa oleifera leaves and flowers were shade dried for 5 and 6 days, respectively; while Moringa oleifera pods with the pulp was cabinet tray dried at 6O‘’C. Moringa oleifera Leaf Powder (MOLP), Moringa oleifera Pod with pulp Powder (MOPP) and Moringa oleifera Flowers Powder (MOFP) were analyzed for its proximate, mineral (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, zinc and potassium) and vitamin contents (vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E). The amino acid and vitamin E contents of MOLP, MOPP and MOFP were collected from literatures. Moringa Super Greens Powder (MSGP) formulation using Linear Programming model was designed for both men and women (moderate activity) based on the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) values of ICMR - NIN, 2020 guidelines. The objective function of the proposed linear programming model aimed to design a nutrient rich moringa based formulation satisfying 100% Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of target group with minimized cost. The model recommended that a combination of 332.11 g of MOLP and 57.39 g of MOFP could meet the nutritional requirements of both men and women; while the minimized cost of the formulation for RDA requirements of both men and women as given by Linear Programming (LP) was Rs 645.54. To examine the strength of the proposed model after determining the optimum solution, sensitivity analysis was carried out. The analysis provides the reduced costs, dual price and the allowable ranges of input cost and Right Hand Side (RHS) of constraints for which the optimized solution does not change. Following the design of MSGP. its proximate, minerals and vitamin contents, DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl) free radical scavenging activity, Total Phenolic Content (TPC), Total Flavonoid Content (TFC) and functional properties were analyzed. The mean values of TPC, TFC and percent inliibition of MSGP formulation was higher than other part powders considered. The objective of the sensory analysis was to determine the acceptance level for incorporation of Moringa Super Greens Powder (MSGP) formulation into selected Ready To Eat (RTE) foods viz., chutney powder, nuts based ladoo and millets based ladoo. Each selected RTE foods were subjected to three different treatments (10%, 20% and 30%). The results of organoleptic evaluation of MSGP formulation revealed that 20% MSGP mix was most acceptable in all the three selected RTE food products. The percent RDA met by 20 g MSGP formulation for calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E were more than 50% for both men and women. The percent RDA for iron, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin E were observed to be more than 100%. The antioxidant activity of MSGP clearly indicates that it can act as a natural source of antioxidants, thereby lowering the risk of incidence of degenerative diseases and even in curing these diseases. The cost analysis of MSGP revealed that the cost of production of 100 g MSGP formulation mix was Rs 117/- (approx.). At a cost of Rs 23/- for 20 g, more than 50 % daily nutritional requirement of most of the nutrients considered could be satisfied. The cost of MSGP formulation mix was also found to be comparatively cheaper than other health supplements and fortificants targeting micronutrient intake available in market such as, Oziva Superfoods Greens & Herbs, JustHer Daily Greens and Superfoods, Kapiva Green Superfoods, Wellversed Superfood Greens & Herbs, Wholefood Multivitamins, Wellversed Superfood Greens & Herbs, Wholefood Multivitamins, Your super greens mix etc. MSGP is a mix of vital nutrients that support strength, immunity and energy with strengthening nutrients (protein, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium), immunity nutrients (vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and iron) and energy nutrients. The results of the study clearly shows that MSGP formulation could be utilized as an effective fortificant due to its rich source of micronutrients and appreciable source of protein and crude fiber contents.EnglishEVALUATION OF MORINGA SUPER GREENS POWDER AS A FUNCTIONAL FOOD FORTIFICANTThesis