RAJAN SHARMASAPNA2023-12-012023-12-012022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810201993Milk and milk products are the important source of nutrients like proteins, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals for humans. However, the safety of milk has always been challenging due to the use of adulterants by unscrupulous people for economic gain. Cellulose is one of the such adulterants which is used to increase the solid-not-fat content of milk. The present study was conducted to develop a rapid (strip-based & liquid-based) and instrument-based method for the detection of cellulose in milk. The concept used in the study include conversion of cellulose present in the adulterated milk sample to glucose by cellulase and detection of glucose produced using appropriate detection reagent. Cellulase from two different source (Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger) was used and spiked cellulose (microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethyl cellulose) in milk or buffer was hydrolysed into glucose using cellulase. Produced glucose was detected following the glucose oxidase- peroxidase coupled assay using prepared glucose strip and liquid-based method. In both strip-based as well as liquid-based method it was found that cellulase from Trichoderma reesei showed nil activity towards cellulose hydrolysis to produce glucose. During the experiments with cellulase from Aspergillus niger, it was found that glucose strip showed colour change in control samples also containing only cellulase. After conducing many experiments, it was concluded that cellulase itself contained glucose. So, efforts were made to remove glucose from cellulase using ultrafiltration/diafiltration and treatment of cellulase with glucose oxidase-peroxidase. The cellulase treated with glucose oxidase-peroxidase was used in the further study. Cellulose in MCC or CMC spiked buffer or milk samples was detected by both strip-based and liquid-based method. The optimized conditions include treatment of milk samples with treated cellulase at 50°C at pH 5.0 for 4 h. Limit of detection (LOD) of the method was 0.5% for MCC and CMC in milk. Cellulose detection strip was prepared but it did not work and this may be due to fact that cellulase action requires at least 4 h to hydrolyse cellulose into glucose. Instrument-based method of cellulose detection was developed using normal phase- high performance liquid chromatography. MCC/CMC were spiked (0.5%) in the pure raw milk (pH 5.0) followed by cellulose hydrolysis with treated cellulase for different incubation period at 50°C. An extra peak of glucose was observed in the milk samples spiked with MCC/CMC and hydrolysed with treated cellulase at the retention time of 4.699 ± 0.131 min followed by peak of lactose having retention time of 5.561 ± 0.32 min. It is proposed that the presence of extra peak of glucose as per the developed protocol may be used as test of presence of cellulose in milk.EnglishDEVELOPMENT OF METHODS FOR THE DETECTION OF CELLULOSE IN MILK AND MILK PRODUCTSThesis