Dr. A.N. MakwanaAnjanabha Bhattacharya2018-10-082018-10-082004-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810074994A field experiment was conducted at Department Farm, Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh iiom April, 2003 to April, 2004, to study the effect of foliar spray of iron, zinc and boron on growth, yield and quality of papaya {Carica papaya Linn.) cv, Madhubindu. There were total eight treatments, viz., T| (control - water spray), T, (FeS04 0.2 %), Tj (ZnS04 0.2 %), T4 (Borax 0.2 %), T5 (FeS04 0.2 % + ZnS04 0.2 %), To (FeS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %), T, (ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %), Tg (FeS04 0.2 % + ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %) and each treatment replicated thrice in randomized block design. Plant height (185.66 cm), stem girth (78.33 mm), number of functional leaves per plant (26.48), fruit length (19.83 cm), Iruit diameter (14.33 cm) were found highest with T7 (ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %). It had also recorded lowest days to flowering (after T.P.) (56.66 days) and days of fruit maturity (after T.P.) (229.00 days) over control. While height at first Hower and fruit set remained unaffected by various treatments over control. Treatment Tg (FeS04 0.2 % + ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %) recorded highest number of fruits per Abstract 0.2 % + ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %) recorded highest number of fruits per plant (23.33), yield per plant (26.80 kg) and yield per hectare (89.33 tonnes) over control. Whereas Ti (control — water spray) recorded maximum average fruit weight (1.560 kg). Total soluble solids (TSS) (9.33 %), ascorbic acid content (33.36 mg/100 g), total sugar (9.33 %). reducing sugar (8.20 %), non-reducing sugar (1.13 %) were recorded maximum in T4 (Borax 0.2 %) over conlxol. In case of economics, Tg (FeS04 0.2 % + ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %) gave highest net returns (Rs.2,08,079 / ha) witli net CBR (1:3.47) over control. It is concluded that for maximum growth T7 (ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %), yield and economic point of view Tg (FeS04 0.2 % + ZnS04 0.2 % + Borax 0.2 %) and quality T4 (Borax 0.2 %) are advocated as foliar spray. 11enHORTICULTURE,EFFECT OF FOLIAR SPRAY OF IRON, ZINC AND BORON ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF PAPAYA (Car/ca papaya Linn.) cv. MadhubinduThesis