B. AHILANM.J.PRINCE JEYASEELAN2020-02-072020-02-072003-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810142715The investigation was aimed at determining the effect of livefood organisms on the growth and maturation of goldfish.Artemia.fed,fishes recorded highest mean weight gain. The individual mean weight gain of a fish per day was recorded to be 0.0439 for adult goldfish fed with Artemia,0.0259 for the earthworm fed fishes and 0.023g in control. Growth rate was almost double in Artemia. fed frshes than control. The highest GSI values for both sexes were also recorded in Artemia fed fishes followed by those fed with earthworm.ennullEffect of livefood organisms on the growth and gonadal maturation of goldfish (Carassius auratus)Reprint