Dr. J. B. NayakKaje Vinay Sanjay2017-02-212017-02-212015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810002004Campylobacter refers to a group of bacteria that is commonly found in the intestines of animals, including poultry, wild birds, swine, cattle, rodents and household pets. Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the two species that most often infect humans, causing an illness called campylobacteriosis. Raw and inadequately cooked foods of animal origin and non-chlorinated water are the most common sources of human infection (e.g., raw milk, undercooked meat and raw shellfish). The organism grows best in a reduced oxygen environment, is easily killed by heat (120 F), is inhibited by acid, salt and drying, and will not multiply at temperatures below 85 F. Campylobacter food poisoning affects anybody but there are certain groups of people who are particularly vulnerable to this illness. These include children, the elderly and anyone who has a weak immune system. It occurs as a result of eating foods which have been contaminated by these bacteria. These bacteria do not grow within food but are transmitted to the human body via consumption of this food. Therefore the present study is undertaken to isolate, identify and characterize the Campylobacter spp. from pork and slaughter house environment.enveterinary science, veterinary public healthmethodISOLATION, IDENTIFICATION AND DETECTION OF VIRULENECE FACTORS ASSOCIATED GENES OF CAMPYLOBACTER SPP. OBTAIN FROM PORK AND SLAUGHTER HOUSE ENVIRONMENTThesis