Kale, Dr. P. NDesai, Dr. B.BWaskar, Dr.D.PKaulgud, Prof. S.NDESHMUKH, Anil Narasingrao2017-02-202017-02-201991-08-15http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810001716The present investigation entitled, "Studies on preservation and storage of pomegranate (Punica qranatum L.) juice", was carried out in the Postharvest Technological Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, Mahatma PhuleAgricultural University, Rahuri during >the year 1990-91.Ganesh cultivar of pomegranate was used for the study.The overall results indicated that of the two methodsused for preparation of fruit i.e. (i) whole fruiţ__çnt intohalves jand only outer skin was removed (ii) exclusively grain(arils) separated from the fruits and two methods used forcontd A. N. DESHMUKH HORTICULTURE . the actual extraction of pomegranate juice (i) cold extraction and (ii) hot extraction at various temperatures. The juiceextraction method using crushed pomegranate grains heating at 40°C was found to be the best.ļ This method gave maximum juicerecovery (60.213a) with an adequate quantity of anthocyanins,sugars and comparatively lower_j a_nııir>s; which recorded thehighest score during organoleptic evaluation.Storage study indicated that the specific gravity ofthe juice increased during storage. The total soluble solids and reducing sugars was also found to increase slightlyduring storage. The tannin___c_gjľŁe_n_t in the juice was foundto decrease during storage. However, there was n t muchchange in respect of total sugars and acidity. But the pH ofthe juice remained unchanged.Storage study also indicated that the anthocyanincontent in pomegranate juice was destroyed progressively during storage. However, the rate of degradation was foundto be more at room temperature (29.5 - 21.43 C) than at lowtemperature (5 C ) . The colour retention of the juice was better in ajnbajL-C•ol©¾l•r ^gląjş^ bottles than colourless glass bottles during storage.contd Based on the overall organoleptic score, both heat and chemically preserved pomegranate juice packed incolourless glass bottles was found to be acceptable evenafter ^120, and J.5Q days respectively at low temperaturestorage but only upto 60 days storage at room tejnjDejrajţure.However, the heat and chemically preserved pomegranate juicepacked in amba_r_^oJ1our_o.ass bottles was found to be acceptable even after 190 days storage at low temperature but only upto 90 and 120 days respectively when stored atroom temperature.ennullSTUDIES OH PRESERVATION AND STORAGE OF POMEGRANATE ( Punica granatum, L.) JUICEThesis