KALAKUMAR, B (Major)GOPALA REDDY, AKONDAL REDDY, KANAND KUMAR, AVIKRAM KUMAR, B2017-06-102017-06-102013-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810019320THESESABSTRACT : Microorganisms that favour or help other living beings are called probiotics. Synthesis or fusion of such probiotics with complex carbohydrates such as fructo oligosaccharides is known as synbiotics. These synbiotics are known to mollify the changes that occur in inflammation. The effect of L.casei strain 17 and fructo oligosaccharide on chemical induced colon cancer was studied in Sprague Dawely female rats. A total of 32 rats were divided into 4 groups and treated as follows: Group I- Sham control given normal saline S.C every week for 6 weeks, Group II- DMH control 1,2 dimethyl hydrazine @40mg weekly for 6 weeks S.C. Group III- 1,2 dimethyl hydrazine @40mg weekly for 6 weeks S.C. followed by prebiotic 0.02gm/day and probiotic 109-1011 CFU/day coated with 1% sodium alginate Group IV: 1,2 dimethyl hydrazine @40mg weekly for 6 weeks S.C. along with uncoated synbiotic (Prebiotic-0.02gm/day and Probiotic 109-1011 CFU/day mixed in distilled water) Average body weights were recorded at weekly intervals and blood collected after sacrifice for haematology and sero-biochemical parameters (total cholesterol, calcium, glucose, proteins). Liver and colons were collected for estimating TBARS, SOD, total proteins, GSH, protein carbonyls and colons were also used for estimation of aberrant crypt foci. Colonocytes were isolated and measured to assess the extent of DNA damage by comet assay. Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) were increased significantly (p<0.01) in DMH induced group and uncoated synbiotic group, where as in coated synbiotic group they were decreased. In DMH control and uncoated synbiotic group, the comet appeared to be significantly longer in length compared with coated synbiotic group. Haematological parameters were not allied significantly except for certain changes in total platelets, MCV and lymphocytes. Cell architecture and nuclear cytoplasmic ratio were decreased in coated synbiotic treated group in comparison with DMH control and uncoated synbiotic treated groups. Anti oxidants (GSH and SOD) were significantly (p<0.05) reduced in DMH control and uncoated synbiotic treated groups, where as there was restoration in coated synbiotic group, TBARS and protein carboryls were reduced in DMH and uncoated synbiotic treated groups, while they were restored in coated synbiotic group as compared with control group. Thus, it is concluded that coated synbiotics are more effective as antioxidants in preventing and countering oxidative stress by facilitating restoration of antioxidant defenses as well as decreasing DNA damage in colorectal cells. Hence, their supplementation would reduce various stages of colon cancer.ennullEffect of synbiotic (L.casei strain 17 & Fructo- oligosaccharides) on induced colon cancer in ratsThesis