Dr. M. K. TiwariBRAHMBHATT MANTHANKUMAR PRAVINBHAI2023-04-152023-04-152021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810196472Drought is the most perplexing hydro-meteorological hazard, which occurs due to climate change and happens in all climate zones. A common method for the evaluation of drought condition is the historical analysis of drought indices, in which trend detection and analysis assumes a significant job. The presence of trends in drought condition is an indication of potential climate fluctuation and environmental change. The identification of such trends is essential for the planning and design of sustainable water resources. The primary reason of the trend assessment is to discover what time scales are influencing the trends. This study presents an analysis of drought variability in the middle Gujarat region for the time span of 1986-2015. As a measure of drought intensity, standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) were investigated seasonally and annually. Mann Kendall (MK) test was applied to recognize the trends and Sen’s slope estimator was used to calculate the magnitude of trend.EnglishINVESTIGATION OF THE VARIABILITY OF SPI AND SPEI DROUGHT INDICES USING DISCRETE WAVELET TRANSFORMATION IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE MANN KENDALL TESTThesis