Dr. A. NemaARUNIMA MUKHERJEE2022-05-092022-05-092020https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184488Shankhpushpi (Convulvulus microphyllus) is a nootropic, perennial wild herb which is widely used in Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine system). In Ayurvedic texts, Shankhpushpi is mentioned as one of the Medhya Rasayana. Medhya Rasayanas as described in Ayurveda are a group of medicinal plants with benefits, specifically to improve memory and intellect. One of the earliest post-harvest operations and the most common way to preserve the quality of medicinal plants is drying. Generally, the traditional drying methods such as shade drying and open sun drying are practiced for medicinal herbs. These traditional methods of drying have several drawbacks pertaining to the drying of medicinal herbs. To overcome the above mentioned drawbacks of traditional drying, mechanical dryers may be used for the drying of the medicinal herbs.EnglishSTANDARDIZATION OF DRYING TECHNIQUE FOR THE PRODUCTION OF POWDER FROM SHANKHPUSHPI LEAVESThesis