Kavitha, SSandya Bhavavi, MEnbavelan, PAGowri, BChandrasekaran, DNambi, APTANUVAS2021-03-082021-03-082015-01https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810162041TNV_33_ISVM_22-24Jan_(2015)12Gastro intestinal foreign bodies are a common cause of vomiting in small animal practice. Foreign bodies are usually objects that cannot be digested (eg, plastic, rocks), are slowly digested (eg, bones), or are too large to pass through the GI tract. Dogs that are indiscriminate eaters often consume such objects. The problems that are caused vary with the duration that the foreign body has been present, location of the foreign body, degree of obstruction that is caused and problems associated with the material of the foreign body. Improved endoscopic techniques, together with their greater availability, mean that it is often possible to remove the foreign body endoscopically, making surgery unnecessary. Dogs presented with history of vomiting or anorexia or known history of ingested foreign bodies are selected for the study. A detailed physical examination, hematology, serum biochemistry and radiography were performed.Endoscopy was performed as per standard procedure and foreign bodies such as bone piece, ball, mango seed,plastic stick and gold chain etc. located in either esophagus or stomach or colon were removed using appropriate forceps. Supportive management was given in all the cases.EnglishVeterinary ScienceENDOSCOPIC RETRIEVAL OF GI FOREIGN BODIES IN DOGSXXXIII - ISVM Annual Convention & National Symposium, January 22-24, 2015Other