. Gupta, Dr. D. KKHARE, DHARAM SINGH2021-11-082021-11-082018https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810177893The present work on therapeutic management of parvo virus infection in dogs was carried out in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University, Jabalpur during the period from August, 2017 to January, 2018. On screening, 980 dogs were found to be suffered from gastroenteritis. The parameters pertaining to age, sex, breed and feeding habits of each suspected dog were recorded to study the epidemiological pattern of canine parvovirus (CPV). The cases were confirmed by Scanvet canine parvovirus antigen detection kit (Scan vet Parvotm kit). For therapeutic study, a total of 32 confirmed cases of CPV were selected and randomly divided into 4 groups as T1 to T4, each group comprised of 8 dogs. Group T1 received the antibiotic amikacin @ 10 mg/kg b. wt., group T2 received antibiotic amikacin along with immunomodulator, group T3 received antiviral acyclovir @ 20 mg/kg b.wt. and group T4 received antiviral acyclovir along with immunomodulator. However, 8 apparently healthy dogs were selected as healthy control (TC). The overall prevalence was found to be 7.24% (71/980). The age wise prevalence recorded was significantly higher (11.9%) in the pups of 0-3 months of age followed by 3-6 months of age (7.09%), 6-12 months of age (5.31%) and least in the dogs of above 12 months of age (1.11%). No significant difference was observed in sex wise prevalence of CPV. Significantly higher prevalence was noticed in the pups kept on vegetarian diet (9.34%) in comparison to non-vegetarian diet. Vomiting was observed to be the most common clinical finding in almost all the cases of CPV. There was no significant difference in clinical, haematological and biochemical parameters in different treatment groups. However, there was significant difference in pre-treatment and post-treatment values of clinical, haematological and biochemical parameters at different interval within the group. Response to therapy was evaluated on the basis of results of clinical score. The 5 clinical attributes of each patient: attitude, appetite, vomiting, temperature and feces were recorded at different interval from each clinical case under the treatment group. The clinically normal parameters were represented by score '0' which got increased as per the severity of signs maximum up to score '3' for each variable. The combination of antiviral acyclovir along with immunomodulator was found to be superior than the therapy used in other treatment groups.EnglishnullTHERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT OF PARVOVIRUS INFECTION IN DOGSThesis