Dr.S.C.PrasadRajesh Verma2024-06-252024-06-251996https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810210886Four inter varietal along with their parents (P generation B and B 1 crosses of and P), F 1 rice Oryza and F 2 1 2 sativa L) and two cross of each cross were developed and were grown in randomized block design. with three replications during kharif season of the year 1994 under rainfed situation in the rice research farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi. The analysis of variance of 6 generations of each the four crosses for different characters revealed that of the differences among the generations were highly significant for majority plant, of plant character viz., plant height, tillers leaf length, panicle length, flag leaf grain weight, breadth and grain. yield and harvest index. straw yield. The replication significani in almost all the character. length, expect effect was per 1000 leaf non The observed variances in the various generations for different characters in each of the revealed F variances to be more then F 2 4 varietal crosses variance for most of 1 the character. In case of plant height the vriance BC was 1 variance of BC in all the crosses. The 2 higher then the variation in the generation is due to the variability. The scaling test A,B and C, as well as test were found to be highly significant in all joint the scaling cross combination for all the 10 traits studied. This clearly showed a good fit of additive dominance model.EnglishGenetic Studies on Quantitative and Qualitative Characters in Rice (oryza Sativa L.)Thesis