D. L., RUDRESHYADRAVI, RESHMA N.S. L., JAGADEESHD. S., AMBIKAA. G., BABUITIGI, PRABHAKAR2020-10-062020-10-062018-07UHS16PGM781https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810152593An experiment entitled “Studies on management of postharvest anthracnose disease of papaya (Carica papaya) using biological control agents” was conducted in the Department of Agricultural microbiology and Post-Harvest Technology, COH, Bagalkot, Karnataka during the year 2017-2018. The Isolates of anthracnose causal agent Colletotrichum gleosporiodies were isolated from infected papaya fruits collected from different places. The virulent pathogen isolate exhibiting higher per cent disease index (30%) and virulence index (4.29) was selected for isolation of biocontrol agents from different sources by Poisoned food technique. Out of 59 samples tested, 19 biocontrol agents exhibited clear zone of inhibition in poisoned food technique and were selected for further evaluation against pathogen under in vitro by Dual culture technique. Among the biocontrol agents tested, Trichoderma harzianum was most effective with maximum per cent inhibition of radial growth of C. gloeosporioides (62.50%) followed by isolate No. 10 (50.00%), isolate No. 9 (47.85%), isolate No. 7 (47.14%) and isolate No. 16 (46.43%). Five efficient biocontrol agents selected from in vitro studies were screened in vivo against infection of anthracnose disease of papaya fruits and their inoculation effect on the conditions. The results of the in vivo evaluation of biocontrol agents against natural infection of anthracnose (C. gloeosporioides) showed the lowest per cent disease index of 13.89 per cent in fruits treated with T5 (BCA5- Isolate No. 9), followed by T4 (BCA-Isolate No.10) (16.67%) and T7 (Carbendazium at 0.1 per cent for 5 min) (20.83%). The papaya fruits treated with T5 (BCA5-Isolate No.10) exhibited higher shelf life of 10 days with minimum physiological loss in weight (16.23%), higher firmness (2.16 N) and higher TSS (14.10o brix), total sugars (11.63%), ascorbic acid (38.19 mg/100 g) and carotene content (1.85 mg/100 g) and higher sensory score at 9 days of storage followed by T4 (BCA-Isolate No.10) and T7 (Carbendazium at 0.1 per cent for 5 min). In vivo screening of efficient biocontrol agents on papaya fruits challenge inoculated with C. gloeosporioides showed that fruits treated with BCA5-Isolate No. 10 (T5) recorded lower per cent disease index (33.33%) followed by BCA4 -Isolate No.9 (T4) and Carbendazium at 0.1 per cent (T7) with PDI of 50.00 per cent and 52.77 per cent respectively at 9 days of storage. The papaya fruits treated with T5 (BCA5 - Isolate No. 10) recorded higher shelf life of 9.67 days with lowest per cent physiological loss in weight (16.13%), higher firmness retention (2.22 N), higher TSS (12.47o brix), total sugars (10.40 %), ascorbic acid content (30.19 mg/100 g) and carotene content (1.42 mg/100 g) and higher sensory score 9 days of storage followed by BCA4 -Isolate No.9 (T4) and Carbendazium at 0.1 per cent (T7).EnglishSTUDIES ON MANAGEMENT OF POSTHARVEST ANTHRACNOSE DISEASE OF PAPAYA (Carica papaya) USING BIOLOGICAL CONTROL AGENTSThesis