Dr. R. S. FougatACHARYA KAPIL OMPRAKASHJI2017-06-172017-06-172009http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810021389Cotton, the king of fibres, is one of the most important cash crops exercising profound influence on economic and social affairs of the World. No other fibre crop can compete with cotton for its fibre quality. That is why cotton is called as “White Gold “. The material for present investigation on cotton comprised of 10 parents, their 45 F1 hybrids (by half diallel design) and two standard checks (MDH 9 and MDH 11). The material was tested using randomized block design with three replications at Agronomy Farm, Anand Agricultural University, Anand during kharif-rabi 2007-08.enPlant BreedingStudiesHETEROSIS AND COMBINING ABILITY STUDIES FOR FIBRE CHARACTERISTICS IN DESI COTTON (Gossypium herbaceum L.)”Thesis