Kamanna, B.C.Pavithra, L.2024-07-182024-07-182018-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212208Laboratory and field experiment were conducted at Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Research Station, Mugad, UAS, Dharwad to study the host range and survivability of pathogen, epidemiology, molecular variability and integrated management during kharif, 2017. A roving survey was carried out for the severity of anthracnose of greengram in four major greengram growing districts of northern Karnataka revealed that, the disease severity was found highest in Gadag (37.83%) and least in Haveri (29.86%) districts. Among eight pulses tested for host range studies, Vigna mungo, Glycine max and Macrotyloma uniflorum proved to be hosts for C. truncatum. Viability of conidia of C. truncatum in different storage conditions showed conidia were viable for maximum period of 360 days in freeze condition and the viability was reduced to 105 days under field condition. The first onset of anthracnose was noticed at 30 days after sowing with per cent index (PDI) of 7.86 and increased gradually with the PDI of 43.24. The correlation studies between PDI and weather parameters indicated the anthracnose development was positive correlation with rainfall, morning relative humidity, evening relative humidity and sunshine, whereas, negative correlation was noticed with maximum temperature, minimum temperature, evaporation and wind speed. Genetic variability among eight isolates of C. truncatum showed that maximum genetic variation exists in DwdCt1 followed by GadCt3 and TNAUCt7 isolates and less genetic variation in HsnCt5 and ShvCt4 isolates which showed 88 per cent similarity. In vitro bioassay revealed that, propiconazole, captan, trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole were found effective. Among bioagents and ITKs, Trichoderma harzianum and panchagavya respectively, were most effective against C. truncatum. Two foliar sprays of propiconazole (0.1%) at 15 days interval was most effective fungicide in managing the anthracnose of greengram.EnglishStudies on Anthracnose of Greengram Caused by Colletotrichum truncatum (Schw.) Andrus and MooreThesis