Narwade, S. G.Waghmare, Vishal Karna2018-06-112018-06-112012-05-16T06516 present study was carried out on “Utilization of bottle gourd pulp in preparation of burfi". The research was conducted in the laboratory of Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, College of Agriculture, MKV, Parbhani during the year 2011-12. Burfi was prepared from buffalo milk with constant level of sugar (30 per cent by weight of khoa) and different levels of bottle gourd pulp (5, 10 and 15 per cent by weight of khoa). It was observed that the overall acceptability score for treatment Ti, T2, T3 and T4 were 8.53, 8.40, 7.59 and 6.87 respectively. As the level of bottle gourd pulp in burfi increases the overall acceptability score decreases. The highest score for overall acceptability was found to be 8.53 ; (like very much) and lowest score was found to be 6.87 (like slightly). On an average bottle gourd burfi of treatment Tj, T2, T3 and T4 contained moisture 15.81, 18.84, 21.11 and 24.12 per cent; fat 21.10, 19.52, 18.84 and 17.46 per cent; protein 14.80, 14.16, 13.56 and 12.72 per cent; ash 2.78, 2.70, 2,53 and 2.42 per cent; carbohydrate 45.48, 44.26, 43.37 and 42.74 and total solids 84.16, 80,64,78.30 and 75.34 per cent, respectively. The fresh product prepared was subjected to microbial analysis with respect to standard plate count, yeast and mould count and coliform count. The standard plate count of fresh samples were ranged in between 9 to 19 cfu x 103 per gm for treatment Ti to T4, the yeast and mould count of burfi ranged between 3 to 13 cfu per gm for treatment Tj to T4 and coliform count was found to be absent in bottle gourd burfi. The cost of control burfi was found to be highest for Ti as Rs. 159.6 per kg. The lowest cost was recorded for treatment T4 as Rs. 146.16 per kg. The cost for treatment T2 and T3 were Rs.155.12 and Rs. 150.64 per kg, respectively. As the level of bottle gourd pulp in burfi increases the cost of production decreases.ennullUtilization of bottle gourd pulp in preparation of burfiThesis