RINKU, VERMAANUSHA, B. S.2023-01-112023-01-112021-10-31https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810191733A poly bag study was undertaken during December 2020 at RIOF, UAS, GKVK Bangalore 65. Pyrolysis of paddy straw was done at 500oC without using catalyst, 2.29 kg of biochar containing 0.41% Nitrogen, 0.04% Phosphorus, 3.83% Potassium, 12 ml Bio oil which is rich in phenol (27.23%) and 101.48 L of syngas was obtained. Further the biochar was used in packet experiment to evaluate the influence of biochar on performance of Field bean using Completely Randomized Design with twenty-four treatments replicated twice. The results revealed that application of 25 tons of biochar + FYM + Vermicompost + Ganajeevamrutha recorded higher growth parameters viz., plant height (66 cm), number of leaves (80), number of branches (14) and yield attributes like number of pods/plant (16) and pod weight/plant (21g). Application of biochar recorded significant improvement in water holding capacity (42%) of the soil. The soil pH (9.5), electrical conductivity (0.19 dSm-1) and organic carbon (6.42 g kg-1) significantly increased, however decrease in bulk density (1.34 Mg m-3) of soil was noticed in the same treatment. There was significant increase in Nitrogen (297 kg ha-1), Phosphorus (63.25 kg ha-1) and Potassium (173.95 kg ha-1) in post-harvest soil. The Iron and Manganese concentration decreased and increase in Zinc and Copper concentration in post-harvest soil was observed.EnglishUTILIZATION OF PRODUCTS OBTAINED FROM PYROLYSIS OF PADDY STRAWThesis