Abdul Azeez C.P.APERNA MOHAN K M2020-07-242020-07-242018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810149746Ground dwelling spider species composition, diversity, abundance and environmental factors influencing it were studied in three habitats of South Wayanad Forest Division from April 2018 to June 2018. Spider species abundance and diversity was estimated using plot method of size 5m2 , a total of 60 quadrats were laid in all three habitat types, photographs of spiders were taken for identification. A total of 54 species belonging to 19 families were recorded. Among different spider species recorded, five species were endemic to Western Ghats and six species endemic to South Asia. The majority of the spiders were belonging to Salticidae, Lycosidae and Oxyopidae. Certain species of spiders were more abundant such as Hasarius adansoni, Polyboea zonaformis, Hippasa agelenoides, Tibellus elongates and Ctenus cochinensis. Spider species diversity, richness and abundance varied among habitats with higher diversity in the Semi-evergreen forest followed by Moist deciduous and plantation. Dominance was higher in the MDF and plantations with a few species dominating these regions. The environmental factors such as canopy cover, litter cover, litter depth, grass cover, soil temperature and humidity that influence species abundance were investigated using multiple regression. Among different factors, variables such as soil temperature, humidity and litter depth had significant influence on the species abundance that explained 92% of variability (R2=0.917; F=11; df=3; p<0.05). Among these variables humidity had primary influence followed by soil temperature and litter depth. Spider species forage guild composition showed that they occupy eight different forage guilds, the majority of spiders 81.6% of spiders were Stalkers, Ground runners and Ambushers. The number of foraging guilds varied with higher guilds in the MDF and plantation. Thus present study on spiders provided baseline information on spiders in the South Wayanad Forest Division and influence of environmental factors on spider abundance that is essential for the management.ennullDIVERSITY OF GROUND DWELLING SPIDERS IN SOUTH WAYANAD FOREST DIVISIONThesis