Singh, PrabhakarTamrakar, Samir Kumar2016-07-112016-07-112016199p field experiment entitled: Effect of plant growth regulator, vermiwash and cow urine on vegetative growth , flowering, corn production and vase life of gladiolus vr. Candyman was carried out with the objective to investigate the effect of growth substances on growth.Planting soaking of corms (24 hours) followed by two foliar sprays each at 30 and 60 days after planting of corm. GA3 at all three concentrations i.e. 100, 200 and 300 ppm resulted in significant improvement on all vegetative parameters in comparison to salicylic acid and control (water spray) during both the years (2011-12 & 2012-13). Earliest 50 per cent emergence of plant (6.96 days) and highest emergence per cent (96.67 per cent) were recorded with application of GA3 200 ppm followed by its lower concentration i.e. 100 ppm; exhibiting 4.21 days earlier 50 per cent emergence and 18.4 per cent increased emergence of plants in comparison to control i.e. water spray (11.17 days and 81.68 per cent.) in the present study. The similar treatment i.e. GA3 200 ppm significantly contributed towards highest improvement in various vegetative parameters at both the stages of plant growth at 30 and 60 DAP i.e. increase in plant height (60.97 cm & 88.45 cm, resp.) number of leaf (4.71 & 7.91, resp.), length of 3rd leaf (46.22 cm & 56.70 cm, resp.) and increased width of 3rd leaf (3.80 cm) at 30 DAP. GA3 @ 200 ppm further improved the most of floral attributes and resulted in significantly highest values of these parameters i.e. earliest 50 per cent spike initiation (67.32 days), first (69.50) and colour breaks of 50 per cent spikes (73.56 days), 50 per cent flowering (75.93 days), longest spikes (71.60 cm) and rachis (54.98 cm), durability (14.37 days) and blooming period a spike (9.57 days) and maximum number of florets spike-1 (14.40 ) and spikes ha-1 (159325.58). The largest basal florets (13.92 cm) and maximum longevity of basal floret (4.10 days) was recorded under SA @ 100 ppm. Maximum size (6.48 cm) and weight (66.26 gm) of corm and weight of cormels (19.17 gm) was recorded under GA3 300 ppm. Obviously the size and weight of corm and cormels was significantly enhanced with the increased levels of GA3. However, GA3 at 200 ppm resulted in maximum number of cormels (34.29) as well as corms ha-1(159325.58). SA @ 100 ppm was recorded to be an outstanding treatment in improving post harvest floral attributes i.e. maximum floret opening per cent (89.86 per cent) contributed in 33.81 per cent more value of this trait in comparison to control. Beside, the similar treatment i.e. SA 100 ppm significantly exhibited largest basal floret (10.67cm), maximum longevity of basal floret (5.01 days) and maximum vase life of cult spikes (10.88 days). Application of cow urine at both the levels each i.e. 5 and 10 per cent were found helpful in improving all vegetative, floral, corm and post harvest parameters over control, but both the treatments did not differ significantly with each other in improving all the attributes. Both the levels (5 and 10 per cent) of cow urine and vermiwash resulted significantly earlier 50 per cent emergence of corms, increased emergence of plants, plant xvi height, length and number of leaf at 30 and 60 DAP and width of leaf at 60 DAP; earlier 50 per cent initiation, first and 50 per cent colour break, 50 per cent flowering; increased length of spikes and rachis, durability of a spike and flowering duration, diameter of basal floret and number of spikes hectare1, beside this increasing the diameter of corm, weight and number of corm and cormels plant-1as well as hectare-1 in comparison to control (water spray) treatment. The similar treatments of cow urine and vermiwash at both the levels also exhibited significant improvement in different post harvest parameters i.e. per cent opened flower in vase, diameter of basal floret, shelf life and vase life of cut spikes as compared to control. Interaction of PGR X CU significantly affected the days required for 50 per cent emergence of corms, emergence of plants, number of spikes and corms hectare-1. Treatment combination of P2 x C2 (gibberellic acid 200 ppm X cow urine @10%) resulted significantly earliest 50 per cent of corm emergence (6.83 days), highest corm emergence (97.86 per cent), maximum number of spikes and corms per hectare (161111.13). The interactive effect between PGR X CU X VW brought further improvements in vegetative, floral and corm parameters which showed synergetic effect among PGR,CU and VW and significantly affected the emergence percentage of corms, plant height at 60 DAP, 50 per cent spike initiation, colour break and flowering, length of spike and rachis. The treatment combination T12 (gibberellic acid 200 ppm +cow urine @10% + vermiwash @ 10%) resulted maximum emergence of plants (98.57%), maximum plant height at 60 DAP (89.89cm), longest spike (71.99cm) and rachis (55.50cm) and earliest 50 per cent spike emergence (66.32days), 50 per cent buds show colour (72.73 days) was recorded in T5 (gibberellic acid 200 ppm + cow urine @ 5% + vermiwash @ 5%) while earliest 50 per cent flowering (75.18 days) was found in T9 (gibberellic acid 200 ppm +cow urine @ 5% + vermiwash @ 5%). Considering the economics of cultivation of gladiolus cv. Candyman, the highest net realization of Rs. 5,77,485 hectare-1 was obtained with treatment combination of T12 (GA3 200 + cow urine 10% + vermiwash 10% ppm) but the highest cost : benefit ratio (1:1.81) was observed with treatments combination of T5 (GA3 100 + cow urine 5% + vermiwash 5%) , T7 (GA3 100 + cow urine 10% + vermiwash 5% ) and (1 : 1.80) in T12 (GA3 200 + cow urine 10% + vermiwash 10% ppm) and these combinations may be used to fetch higher yield with better quality of produce for this region.enPlant Growth Regulator, gladiolus, organic acidsEFFECT OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS, VERMIWASH AND COW URINE ON VEGETATIVE GROWTH, FLOWERING, CORM PRODUCTION AND VASE LIFE OF GLADIOLUS VAR. CANDYMANThesis