Pal, A.K.Punetha, Neha2019-07-292019-07-292019-06 work entitled “BEHAVIOR AND MOOD PREDICTION OF HUMAN BY SIGNATURE AND FACIAL EXPRESSION ANALYSIS” treated the issue of developing a system which generates future values and personality and mood prediction system based on signature and facial expression analysis of human. First need is to train the network and then the network will give a result. The presented study consist of five chapters, the first chapter is directed to justify the elementary need of introducing Artificial Neural Network, Pattern Recognition, Facial Expression Recognition, and Signature Analysis the use of the neural network in behavior prediction. Chapter two comprise the majority of passed research work linked with present work. Chapter three consists of the material and methods used for the existing study. We have presented the neural network for the behavior prediction and simulated it in MATLAB software. Chapter four refers to the results and discussion of the study taken in chapter three. The work has been summarized in chapter five. Along with the study, and the literature used in the course of the study has been referred under the section of literature mentioned. The associated study may be helpful for the personality and mood prediction of human.ennullBehavior and mood prediction of human by signature and facial expression analysisThesis