Gupta, S.B.Dhanni DeviMishra, B.K.Soni, RavindraChandrakar, G.Anurag2019-12-102019-12-102019, CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF PLANT GROWTH PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF CUMINThe present investigation was conducted at the Division of Crop Production, ICAR-National Research Centre on Seed Spices, Tabiji, Ajmer, Rajasthan during the year 2017-18 and 2018-19. A total of 153 isolates were isolated from 155 samples (cumin roots and rhizospheric soil) were collected from cumin growing districts of Rajasthan. Those isolates were characterized and evaluated for phosphate solubilization, potassium solubilization and zinc solubilization, antagonistic activity and plant growth promoting traits. In first stage of screening 70 isolates were screened out for P, K and Zn solubilization. The highest,soluble P (326 𝜇g ml−1 ) in pikovskaya’s broth, K (48.56𝜇g ml−1) in aleksandrow broth and (Zn 419𝜇g ml−1) in zn solubilizing medium broth were recorded in bacterial isolate DCU-251(Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NRCSSDCU251 Accession no. MN192165) , DCU-351(Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NRCSSDCU351 Accession no. MN192167) and DCU-451 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NRCSSDCU451 Accession no. MN192168), respectively. The growth inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum sp. cumini in platewas found in the range of 26.2- 61.2% while, that of in broth medium, ranged from 3.3-79.9 %, the maximum growth inhibition of Fusarium oxysporum sp. cumini was 61.2% recorded due to isolate DCU-451. Similarly, the growth inhibition of Alternaria brunsii in platewas found in the range of 24.2-54.2% while that of in broth medium, ranged from 24.1-81.8 % , the maximum growth inhibition of Alternaria brunsii was recorded due to isolate DCU-251. The maximum, IAA (38. µg ml-1) and gibberellic acid (34.5 µg 25ml) production were recorded in isolate DCU-451. The highest, germination percentage (86.66 ), seedling length (7.83 cm plant-1), seedling fresh weight (145.18 mg plant-1 ), seedling dry weight (14.03 mg plant-1), seedling vigour index-I (687.5) and seedling vigour index-II (1211.16) were recorded in seed treatment with isolate DCU-451. Similarly, the highest no. of primary branches, secondary branches, umbels plant-1, umbelletes umbel-1 and Number of seeds umbellete-1 were also recorded in DCU-451. The maximum,plantheight(33.86 cm), seed yield (3.21 g plant-1), straw yield (5.53 g plant-1) N-uptake by seed (87.63 mg plant-1), K-uptake by seed (47.5 mg plant-1), Zn-uptake by seed (219.78 𝜇g plant-1) and Zn-uptake by straw (175.52 𝜇g plant-1) were recorded due to seed treatment with isolate DCU-451. The maximum P-uptake by straw was 15.34 mg plant-1 followed by 10.70 mg plant-1 recorded with isolate DCU-251(Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NRCSSDCU251 Accession no. MN192165) and DCU-651 (Bacillus pacificus strain NRCSSDCU651 Accession no. MN192170), respectively. The maximum P-uptake by seed was 22.89 mg plant-1 followed by 20.41 mg plant-1 assosciated with isolate DCU-251 and DCU-262 (Kosakonia oryzendophytica strain NRCSSDCU262 Accession no. MN192166), respectively.Keeping in view of experimental findings, it can be concluded that isolate DCU-451(Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain NRCSSDCU451 Accession no. MN192168) can be used as PGPR biofertilizer for cumin crop in order to enhance eco-friendly sustainable production.ennullISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF PLANT GROWTH PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF CUMINThesis