VEENA, P (Major )DHANA LAKSHMI, NVEERA BRAMHAIAH, KVIJAYA KUMARI, D2016-12-022016-12-022015-10 The present clinical study was conducted on 12 dogs with mammary tumours. All the dogs were premedicated with glycopyrrolate @ 0.011mg/kg subcutaneously. Ten min after premedication, the dogs were sedated with acepromazine @ 0.05mg/kg bodyweight intramuscularly. Anaesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol @ 5mg/kg bodyweight intravenously. After achieving stable anaesthesia, the animals were divided into two groups of six animals each. Tumescent anaesthesia and fentanyl bolus injection were given in group I and II respectively. A large volume of cold tumescent solution was infiltrated around the mammary tumour in group I to produce tumescence and group II animals received fentanyl bolus @ 2.5μg/kg bodyweight intravenously. Induction quality was excellent, smooth and without struggling in both groups. Surgical anaesthesia was good with adequate muscle relaxation and absence of response to surgical manipulation in both groups. The recovery from anaesthesia was smooth without any post anaesthetic complications in both groups. Tumour excision time and total duration of surgery was less in animals subjected to TA. Intraoperative bleeding was also less with TA, which provided better visualisation of the operative area, less vessel clamping and tissue manipulation. RT showed significant decrease in both groups with a significant difference between the groups. RR values showed no significant difference between the groups. Pulse rate and HR differed significantly between the groups. The variations in SpO₂ between the groups were non significant. However, all the fluctuations were within the normal physiological range. Pain scores differed significantly between the groups throughout period of observation. ECG studies did not reveal any abnormalities except increase in amplitude of QRS complex duration in both groups. The haematological parameters like Hb and PCV values showed non significant decrease in both groups. The fluctuations in Hb and PCV were non significant between the groups. Changes in biochemical parameters like cortisol and glucose were significant. Clinical correlation of reduction in pain scoring was amply supported by biochemical parameters like cortisol and glucose. The study suggest that compared with fentanyl bolus injection, the use of TA in dogs undergoing mastectomy may be easily performed in non inflammed, ulcerated mammary tumours with improved transoperative and immediate postoperative analgesia. TA is safe to use and facilitates the surgical procedure because of reduced bleeding and a shorter mammary tumour removal time.enDOGS; TUMESCENT; ANAESTHESIA; MAMMARY TUMORS; FENTANYL ; ANALGESIACOMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF TUMESCENT ANAESTHESIA AND FENTANYL ANALGESIA FOR MAMMARY TUMOUR EXCISION IN DOGSMVSc, CVSc, Tirupath, Acc No T1641Thesis