Jaspreet KaurRamandeep Kaur2023-07-052023-07-052022Ramandeep Kaur (2022). Quality and shelf life assessment of mint incorporated tofu (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197952This study was carried out to develop mint incorporated tofu. Tofu was prepared by incorporating mint leaves in different forms such as mint extract, mint paste, dried mint and mint oil. Increase in concentration of mint extract (50 to 90 per cent) caused significant (p≤0.05) increase in antioxidant activity, total phenols and ascorbic acid in tofu. Incorporation of dried mint leaves (3 to 5 per cent) and mint paste (2 to 6 per cent) significantly (p≤0.05) increased antioxidant activity, total phenols and ascorbic acid and decreased the hardness of tofu. Mint oil was also added as a coating at different levels (0.05 to 0.2 per cent). Based on organoleptic evaluation of the different samples, mint incorporated tofu with 70 per cent mint extract, 4 per cent of mint paste, 4 per cent of dried mint leaves and 0.15 per cent of mint oil were found highly acceptable. During storage in vacuum packed pouches under refrigerated conditions (5±1 0C), pH and water activity decreased while acidity, standard plate count and yeast and mould count of all samples increased significantly (p≤0.05). The mint paste and dried mint incorporated tofu samples were acceptable for consumption till 21st day of storage. The microbial counts were under safe limits till 30th day of storage.EnglishQuality and shelf life assessment of mint incorporated tofuThesis