Sharma, A.K.Meena Kumari2019-06-182019-06-182004-06 study has been conducted on the flow of an incompressible cholesteric liquid crystals with director of unit magnitude between two infinite relatively moving parallel hot plates with the objective: To examine the effects of uniform magnetic field in (x,y,z) directions in the plane of the lower plate which is at rest while the upper plate is motion with a uniform horizontal velocity and the two plates are maintained at different temperature. Differential equations governing the two components of horizontal velocity ( u) and (v) , orientations of directors (θ ) and (Φ) have been formed and solved by using couple stress boundary conditions. In the solution of these equations, we observe that there is no effect of magnetic field on the two velocity components, but they increase with the increase in thermal gradient parameter (E1).The effect of magnetic field on the orientation of molecules (θ) and (Φ) causes variation in their profile.ennullA study on effects of uniform magnetic field on flow of cholesteric liquid crystals between two relativaly moving parallel hot platesThesis