Dr. V. B. DarjiBhavika Damor2021-06-052021-06-052019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169594The most important factor having direct impact on the efficiency of the field experimentation is plot size. The problem in deciding optimum plot size frequently arises because variability of experimental area is unknown which is main component of experimental error. Several workers have determined optimum plot size in many crops. But information regarding comparison for the plot size based on CV per cent of uniformity trial data and experimental data are not available in literature. Conducting the uniformity trial is costlier. Hence, there is a need to find out alternative way to replace uniformity trials by utilizing the huge data of field experiments conducted on different crops at various Research Stations. The utilization of different crops data reduces the use of resources, cost, time etc and give baseline of optimum plot size to conduct experiments at different locations. The present study, therefore, was under taken to compare plot size based on CV per cent of uniformity trials (crops) data with experimental (crops) dataEnglishCOMPARISON OF UNIFORMITY TRIAL DATA WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA FOR PLOT TECHNIQUEThesis