AMIT VIKRAMAMAN DEEP RANGA2024-01-032024-01-032023-12-29 The present investigation titled, “Combining ability and gene action in okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)” was carried out at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science, Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, HP, India during Kharif of 2021 and 2022 to study the mean performance, heterosis, combining ability effects, and nature and magnitude of gene action for yield and quality traits in okra. The experimental material used in the present study comprised of thirteen diverse okra genotypes, which were crossed in Line × Tester mating design during Kharif, 2021 to obtain thirty cross combinations. The thirty F1 crosses along with thirteen parental genotypes and one check Punjab-8 were evaluated in RCBD with three replications during Kharif, 2022. The observations were recorded on days to 50 per cent flowering, first flowering node, plant height, inter-nodal length, number of primary branches per plant, pod length, pod diameter, number of ridges per pod, number of pods per plant, average tender pod weight, pod yield per plant, pod yield per hectare, days to first picking, harvest duration, number of seeds per pod, hundred seed weight, pod colour at maturity, average tender pod dry weight, total sugar content in tender pod, total polyphenol content in tender pod, total protein content in tender pod, total nitrogen content in tender pod and mucilage content in tender pod. The analysis revealed that all the genotypes possessed wide spectrum of variability and showed significant differences for parents and hybrids for the traits under studied. UHFO-6 (307.77 g), Hisar Unnat (232.65 g) and UHFO-14 (200.12 g) among parents and cross combinations viz. UHFO-6 × Pusa Bhindi-5 (323.94 g) , UHFO-6 × Arka Anamika (321.74 g) and UHFO-2 × Pusa Bhindi-5 (256.26 g) performed best for pod yield per plant. The top five hybrid combinations for pod yield per plant showing significant positive heterosis over standard check were UHFO-6 × Pusa Bhindi-5 (129.29 %) UHFO-6 × Arka Anamika (127.73 %), UHFO-6 × Hisar Unnat (107.45 %), UHFO-2 Pusa Bhindi-5 (81.38 %) and UHFO-2 × Arka Anamika (73.53 %). The parental genotypes; UHFO-6 (123.47) and UHFO-9 (7.49)) were superior based on their general combining ability effects. The crosses UHFO-2 × Pusa Bhindi-5 (38.29) and UHFO-10 × Hisar Unnat (38.81) were good specific combiners for pod yield per plant. The non-additive gene action was predominant for the inheritance of the majority of the characters. Inter-nodal length (54.62 %) contributed maximum in lines, number of pods per plant (43.94 %) contributed maximum in testers and average tender pod weight (80.63 %) contributed maximum in the line × tester interaction. During kharif 2022, both parents along with each of F1, F2, B1 and B2 were evaluated to study the inheritance of pod colour ok okra. The Chi-square analysis for pod colour revealed that they are predominantly controlled by additive gene action with epistatic effect. The pattern of inheritance for pod colour traits was governed by a single pair of gene as all the F2 crosses showed a monogenic 3:1 ratio.EnglishCOMBINING ABILITY AND GENE ACTION IN OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus L.)Thesis