VAIDYA, M.K.SHARMA, LOKESH2016-09-212016-09-212016 The present study entitled “Economic analysis of production and marketing of garlic in Himachal Pradesh : A case study of Sirmour district” was conducted in the total 5 villages of Sangrah block of Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh, using multistage random sampling technique to select the sample. A sample of 60 respondents was selected for the collection of data. The results revealed that average family size at overall level comprises of 5.45 persons and the sex ratio was 903 females per thousand males in the study area. The numbers of females per thousand of males were less than male in all the categories except small farm category where it was 1110 females per thousand male. The overall literacy rate was found to be 86.10 per cent while literacy index was only 2.54. The occupational pattern at an overall level was 87.94 per cent. Total number of livestock on an average was 6.26 at an overall l farm category. The size of land holding per family head varied from 0.72 ha in marginal farms to 9.81 ha medium whereas, average holding on overall basis was found to be 2.60 ha. The cropping intensity was worked out to be 180.53 per cent at overall level and was found highest in semi-medium farms category (189.84 %). The share of income derived from garlic in total income was 56.64 % in the study area. The cost of cultivation of garlic on the per farm basis varied between Rs 1,07,351.66 in marginal farmer to Rs 4,09,820.87 in case of medium farmer. The cost of production at an overall farm level was worked out Rs 2,10,583.22. The cost of production per kilogram comes out to be Rs 24.95. Average gross return from garlic was Rs 5,48.522.15 in case of overall farm. Output-input ratio on an average was 2.60. The estimated Cobb Douglas production function in case of overall farms shows that humen labour and seed were significant at 5% level of significance and fertilizers were significant at 1% level of significance. The R2 was 0.578 on overall farm level which indicating that 57.80 per cent variation in the yield was explained by the all independent variables in the study area The MVP/MFC Ratio on an average estimated that humen labour, seed and fertilizer were underutilized. Four marketing channels comprising of producers, local traders, primary and secondary wholesaler, retailer and consumer were identified in garlic marketing in study area. The marketing channel-B was found most prominent channel in the study area. Producer share in consumer rupees was highest in case of channel-A (99.50%). Lack of technical knowhow, delayed payments, lack of irrigation facilities, wide price fluctuation, lack of market information and all weather road were among the major hurdles faced by the garlic growers in the study areas.engarlic, marketing,HPECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF GARLIC IN HIMACHAL PRADESH: A CASE STUDY OF SIRMOUR DISTRICTThesis