Ramachandran Nair, NGopinathan Nair, VKAU2019-07-182019-07-181977Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala, 15(2), 142-146.http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810115345Seeds of sesamum Cv. Kayamkulam-l were irradiated with gamma rays at doses 5 to 30 krad. The effects of irradiation in the M and M, generations were studied. The doses employed had no effect on germination, seedling emergence and plant height in the M, generation. With increase in the dose there was a steady decrease in survival and pollen fertility. The frequency of chlorophyll mutation estimated on M, plant basis was higher than the estimate on !V plant basis The mutation spectrum included xantha (yellow) and chlorina (yellow green). Segregation ratio was maximum at 10 krad and minimum at 25 krad. Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency were high at the lower doses and decreased with increasing doses. These observations indicate that gamma rays at low fo medium doses can be successfully employed for inducing mutations in sesamum.ennullMutagenic efficiency of gamma rays in sesamumArticle