R. L. SinghMukhoadhyay, Aloke2023-11-112023-11-111989https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/58102010261.In general, exotic breeds (Landrace and Tamworth) had highest body weight, daily weight gain and linear body measurements followed by crossbreds and Desi, Among crossbreds, T+ Dhad comparatively higher value at later ages of post weaning period than other two crossbreds. 11.Lover rate of growth just after weaning in almost all the genetic groups suggested need of special cars at that stage. 111. Exotic breeds and crossbreds had comparatively longer gestation period than Desi but just the opposite trend was observed in respect of farrowing interval. 1V. Irrespective of genetic group of boar in mating combination, in general, exotic breeds and three-breed crosses (LR+T+D) were comparatively superior to halfbreds followed by Desi in respect of litter size and litter weight at birth and at weaning. V. Overall highest survivability was observed in crossbreds among which TD had highest rate. Desi had highest survival rate during pro-weaning period followed by crossbreds and exotic pigs, but just the opposite trend was observed during post weaning period. vi. Special care should be provided to new born piglets during 1st week of age as highest mortality (near about 55 % of total mortality) was observed during this period, most probably due to their low resistance. vii. Winter and/or autumn farrowing should be avoided as it affected all the traits adverEnglishGenetic Studies On Some Economic Traits In Pure And Crossbred Pigs Under Farm And Village ConditionThesis