Sahu, K.K.Ayam, Gaya PrasadSingh, S.K.Obi Reddy, G.P.Shrivastava, G.K.Saxena, R.R.2020-07-212020-07-212020 OF LAND RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL LAND USE PLANNING OF GORIYABAHAR NALA WATERSHED IN BASTAR DISTRICT OF CHHATTISGARH STATE USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNIQUESThe present investigation was carried out in Goriyabahar Nala watershed in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh state, representing Danadakarnaya region of eastern plateau to characterize, map and evaluate the land resources for their proper management and planning using high resolution satellite data sentinel-2 (10 meter resolution) and ALSO-DEM (12.5 meter resolution). DEM were interpreted to terrain features like landforms namely subdued hills, undulating uplands, undulating lowlands, upper valley, narrow valley, wide valley and alluvial plains representing 7.7, 35.6, 5.2, 9.9, 4.7 16.6 and 2.1 per cent, respectively of the total area of watershed. It was further used for slope class classification viz. very gently sloping (1-3%), gently sloping (3-8%), moderately sloping (8-15%) and moderately steeply sloping (15-30%) covering an area of 4468.8 ha, 7050.4 ha, 2975.4 ha and 429.1 ha, respectively. Remote sensing data were used for analyzing land use/land cover viz. single cropped cultivated land, fairly dense to dense forest, settlements with Badi cultivation and scrubland occupying 57.4, 22.5, 17.3 and 1.9 per cent of watershed respectively. Seventeen landscape ecological units (LEUs) were delineated and defined by the integration of landforms, slope and land use. These were further linked with broad landforms, physiography and sub-physiography. LEU wise profiles were examined for morphological studies and soil samples were collected for laboratory investigation. Soils samples for 0-30 cm soil depths were also collected at 500 meter grid intervals for soil fertility characterization. Soils on subdued hills were very shallow with redder hue, moderately deep with grayer hue on side slope and soils became gradually deeper down the slope with moderately deep to deep and redder hue on undulating lands and very deep with grayer hue in valleys and alluvial plains. Gravely clay loam soil texture at summit to clayey surface texture on sides slopes, clay loam on undulating lands with slightly to moderately acidic pH were found. Further the soils in the narrow and wide valley and alluvial plains were deep to very deep, clay loam to clayey on the surface and clayey in the sub-surface with grey colour. Soils had medium, moderate sub-angular blocky structure from undulating upland to upper valley and became platy breaking to medium, weak sub-angular blocky structure. Argillic horizons were characterized on the undulating upland, low land and upper valley and side slopes of hills whereas cambic horizons were characterized on other landscape barring to summit on subdued hills. Four soil series was defined namely Tondapal-Keshapur (Lithic Ustorthent) on hills, Jamawada-Badebadam (Typic Haplustalf) on sideslope, Chhotemurma (Typic Haplustalf) on undulating upland, low land and upper valley together with Manjhiguda (Typic Haplustept) series on narrow, wide and alluvial plains. Availability of macro nutrient content of surface soils indicated that 100.0 and 61.9 per cent soil samples were found to be low in available nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively and 57.1 per cent samples were high in available potassium in the study area with nutrient index values of 1.0, 1.38 and 2.56 respectively. Available micronutrients viz. Fe, Mn and Cu were found to be of high status as 98.06, 99.22 and 94.95 per cent soil samples respectively, whereas, available Zn showed medium (49.9% surface samples) in the surface soils. Nutrient index values for available Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu are 2.97, 2.99, 1.86 and 2.93 respectively. LEU – soil series with their phases was defined and the soil map was prepared with phases of soil series as a map unit on 1:10000 scale. Soils were evaluated for their land capability, irrigability and suitability classes for the crops grown in the area. The soils were grouped into three capability subclasses (IIIws, IVes and VIes) and three irrigability subclasses (2st, 3st and 5st) indicating 78.2 per cent area of the watershed were capable and irrigable for agriculture. Tondapal-Keshapur series was found to be not suitable (N1) for agriculture. Based on the soil depth, texture and topography, land management units (LMU) was defined three LMU’s with an additional LMU of Badi cultivation along the settlements. LMU3 was highly suitable for rice and moderately suitable for all other upland crops and very much suitable for water harvesting and fisheries. LMU2 was highly suitable for majority of upland crops with minor practices of SWC measures and LMU1 was moderately to marginally suitable for major crops needed SWC measures for proper management. LMU4 was very much suitable for backyard nutritional garden and rearing of poultry, goatry and cattles. The study concludes that the variations in soils could be explained and mapped through LEU based approach using high resolution remote sensing data and digital elevation model on 1:10000 scale, which is capable to define a magnesium rich soil system of Bastar plateau and also pointed out depleting base status was critical on the undulating upland, low land and upper valley. The study further concludes that the soils of narrow valley, wide valley and alluvial plains have the potentiality for intensifying agriculture. Non-conventional agriculture including plantation of fruit trees and for energy is the requirement of soils on associated landform of hills. Planting of grasses is other requirement for arresting soil erosion and enhancing carbon sequestration into the system. The programme should have backing of Government and other investor.ennullCHARACTERIZATION OF LAND RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL LAND USE PLANNING OF GORIYABAHAR NALA WATERSHED IN BASTAR DISTRICT OF CHHATTISGARH STATE USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS TECHNIQUESThesis