Ramesh, PEzhil Valavan, STANUVASOmprakash, AVTensingh Gnanaraj, P2019-07-062019-07-062016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113128TNV_TH_2016_MVM14031The biological experiment was designed to study the effect of feeding ghee residue in native chicken (Aseel) for a period of 12 weeks on various parameters viz. bi-weekly body weight, gain in body Weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, livability, carcass characteristics, cut-up parts yield, sensory evaluation, biochemical parameters (total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein) and the cost effectiveness (economics) of feeding ghee residue.enVeterinary ScienceEFFECT OF FEEDING GHEE RESIDUE ON THE PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF NATIVE CHICKENThesis