Shukla, AnilShukla, AnilChaudhary, SumitChaudhary, Sumit2021-09-082021-09-082021-072021-07 experiments were conducted during the rabi season at N. E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of GBPUAT, Pantnagar (290 N, 79029E and at an altitude of 243.83 m) to study the effect of nano sized gypsum on growth, yield attributes, yield, quality and economics of Indian mustard. The experiment consisting of 10 treatments (T1: 100% RDF, T2: Seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF, T3: Soil application of nanosized gypsum @ 20 g/ha along with 100% RDF, T4: Foliar spray with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF T5 :Seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 75% RDF, T6 : Soil application of nanosized gypsum @ 20 g/ha along with 75% RDF, T7:Foliar spray with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 75% RDF, T8: Seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 50% RDF, T9: Soil application of nanosized gypsum @ 20 g/ha along with 50% RDF, T10: Foliar spray with nanosized gypsum@ 50 ppm along with 50% RDF) was laid out in randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Accumulation of dry matter in plant at various growth stages, siliquae per plant and weight of 1000 seeds remained significantly higher with seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF. Days to 50 % flowering, Fv/Fm value and Green seeker value did not differ significantly among various treatments during both the year of study. The seed yield, too, was recorded significantly higher with seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF (i.e. T2 treatment) during both the years of study. Oil content, Fatty acid profile and Glucosinolate contents in seed did not differ significantly during both the years of study among the various treatments. The results of both the field experiments under tarai region of Uttarakhand revealed that the seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF improved growth parameters, yield attributes, yield, nutrient uptake and economic return of Indian mustard, and could be taken as a new path in efficient and convenient application of sulphur in oilseed Brassica.Field experiments were conducted during the rabi season at N. E. Borlaug Crop Research Centre of GBPUAT, Pantnagar (290 N, 79029E and at an altitude of 243.83 m) to study the effect of nano sized gypsum on growth, yield attributes, yield, quality and economics of Indian mustard. The experiment consisting of 10 treatments (T1: 100% RDF, T2: Seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF, T3: Soil application of nanosized gypsum @ 20 g/ha along with 100% RDF, T4: Foliar spray with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF T5 :Seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 75% RDF, T6 : Soil application of nanosized gypsum @ 20 g/ha along with 75% RDF, T7:Foliar spray with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 75% RDF, T8: Seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 50% RDF, T9: Soil application of nanosized gypsum @ 20 g/ha along with 50% RDF, T10: Foliar spray with nanosized gypsum@ 50 ppm along with 50% RDF) was laid out in randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Accumulation of dry matter in plant at various growth stages, siliquae per plant and weight of 1000 seeds remained significantly higher with seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF. Days to 50 % flowering, Fv/Fm value and Green seeker value did not differ significantly among various treatments during both the year of study. The seed yield, too, was recorded significantly higher with seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF (i.e. T2 treatment) during both the years of study. Oil content, Fatty acid profile and Glucosinolate contents in seed did not differ significantly during both the years of study among the various treatments. The results of both the field experiments under tarai region of Uttarakhand revealed that the seed treatment with nanosized gypsum @ 50 ppm along with 100 % RDF improved growth parameters, yield attributes, yield, nutrient uptake and economic return of Indian mustard, and could be taken as a new path in efficient and convenient application of sulphur in oilseed Brassica.EnglishManaging fertility requirements of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) through nano sized gypsumManaging fertility requirements of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) through nano sized gypsumThesis