MANJUNATHA, A.R., B.F.Sc2019-07-052019-07-052014 marine fisheries sector plays an important role in the IndiaĆ¢ s socioeconomics. It provides employment, livelihood support to the fisher-folk and protein rich food security to the populations. India ranks second in Asia and rank 7* among the top ten countries of the world in marine fish production (FAO, 2014). IndiaĆ¢ s coastline is -8,129 km, with an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 2.02 million km and a continental shelf A of 0.5 million km (Srinath, 2004). This provides the nation a greater access to a rich marine living and non-living resuources. Fisheries research in the field of harvesting and post-harvesting technology has not only resulted in increased catch but also have paved way for its better utilizationSTUDIES ON PURSE SEINE FISHING OFF MANGALORE COASTThesis