Manocha, VeenaSangwan, Sangeeta2016-11-302016-11-302005 level of development of various districts of Haryana state were estimated separately for agricultural, industrial, infrastructure & services and overall socio-economic sectors with the help of composite index of development based on optimum combination of forty seven development indicators combined in an optimum manner. The study utilized data for different districts over various periods ending triennium 1971-72 (Period I), 1981-82 (Period II), 1991-92 (Period III), and 2001-02 (Period IV). Out of forty seven development indicators, twenty three indicators were directly concerned with agricultural development, four indicators depicted the progress of development in the industrial sector and the rest of twenty indicators presented the level of development in infrastructure & service sector. All the forty seven indicators taken together represent the overall socio-economic development for this study. The variation in the level of development in industrial sector was observed to be of higher order as compared to the variation in agricultural and infrastructural services sector. Positive significant association was observed between the levels of development in agricultural and overall socio- economic development in all the periods of study except the first period. The non significant association was found between agriculture and industry which is not a healthy situation. No significant changes in the level of development were observed between different periods in agricultural, industrial and overall socio-economic sectors. However, a significant change was found in the level of development of infrastructural service sector between the first and fourth, second and fourth and third and fourth periods. The different districts have been classified as highly developed, developed, developing, backward and very backward on the basis of quintiles classification from an assumed Beta distribution of the mean of the indices for all the sectors. For bringing about uniform regional development in the state, model districts for the backward / very backward districts have been identified and the potential targets for various indicators have been estimated. The study revealed that the backward / very backward districts required improvements of various dimensions in almost all the indicators for enhancing their level of development in different sectors.enStatistical evaluation of spatio-temporal development in HaryanaThesis