Dr. B. H. PRAJAPATIMOTAKA GANAPATLAL NAGARDAS2019-07-212019-07-212006-01http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810115906Uniformity trial in durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) was conducted al Agriculture Research Station, Anand Agricultural University (erstwhile GAl;). Dhandhuka Farm, District : Ahmedabad in Bhal Agro-climatic Zone during rabi season of the year 2002-03 for collecting necessary information to workout optimum size and shape of plot, minimum number of replications and relative efficiency of lattice design over Randomized Block Design for durum wheat crop. The observations were collected for plant population and grain yield for each basic unit from four block each of size 12 m x 20 m i.e., 40 rows with 20 metre length each.ennullPLOT SIZE STUDY FROM UNIFORMITY TRIAL DATA IN DURUM WHEAT FOR BHAL REGIONThesis